Friday, October 16, 2009

10/16/2009 - Follow-up scheduled

Follow up scheduled with Dr. Elborno for next Friday, 10/23/2009. Have to call and start the referral for it, it'll take them until next Thursday to do it.

I asked what I'll need to take with me to the neural surgeon, Dr. Salehi, next week and they said the images I have and the discography report. They said the report wasn't ready and that they would fax a copy to me and Dr. Salehi's office on Monday, 10/19/2009. They also said I should call them on the 20th and make sure it was faxed, even though they put a note somewhere for it.

I'll tell you what, you have to REALLY keep on doctor's offices to get things done. If you leave it up to them NOTHING would ever happen. I've been told by the nurse at Dr. Elborno's office that I'm the best HMO patient they have because I follow up and take care of the insurance part. It's not because I like it, it's because if you don't, you'll never get treated. That, and if I don't keep up on the referrals, I'd get stuck with THOUSANDS in medical bills. Insurance companies already look for any reason not to pay a claim, I don't need to help them out.

Here's one example, after many of the cervical epidural's I get a letter from our insurance company (Humana) asking me to call this number and answer questions about a claim. I call and what they want to know is if the neck problems are the result of an accident or are work related, I say no, it's degenerative disc disease. EVERY time the operator asks "what is that" and I explain it. One time, even after I explained it, the person asks again "is it the result of an accident"?... No, it DEGENERATIVE, it just HAPPENS! Almost every time I had a procedure, I'd get one of those letters. They wouldn't pay the claim until I called and answered. Wonder what would happen if I didn't call huh? Gee, let's just take a guess....

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