Friday, October 2, 2009

10/2/2009 - Elborno Office Visit

Well, I'm putting this post up here even though I started this blog after this visit. The post date here is the day I had the office visit (10/2/2009) even though I started this on the 8th. This should keep a more chronological order of events.

I think it was an 8:30 or 8:45 appointment, I made this because earlier in the week, perhaps 9/28 or 9/29. The Opana ER coupled with 1 Norco every 6 hours just wasn't keeping up. I had called the office earlier that day and left a message about the jump in pain but never heard back. I hate calling doctors off hours, I don't like work bothering me at home so I try not to do it to others. But, the pain was making me literally go insane.

He called me and said to double the Norco and to make an appointment because he can't call in what I think he said were "class 2" narcotics such as Oxycontin. Doubling the Norco would run me out before I could get in so he called in a refill to the local Walgreen's. He said to take 2 every 4-6 hours and get in to see him ASAP. He's really an excellent physician, if you're in pain, he'll take care of it, he doesn't mess around.

After picking that up and doubling the dose I got some relief. As always, the problem would be getting a referral in 2-3 days from my primary care for an office visit. The "referral coordinator" at my primary care's office works like 3-4 days a week and 4-6 hours per day, *maybe* a total of 20 hours a week. They always say to give 5 business days to get a referral and they attempt to say it's the insurance company's IPA (HPH) but I know it's because the coordinator doesn't work all that much. If I have to pay out of pocket for an office visit to get rid of the pain, hell, so be it.

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